Monday, August 29, 2011

Current Events Project

Post your current events project here!
Directions:  Summarize a current newspaper article; either online or paper.  The article must be current, it cannot be dated before July 2011.  Your summary must contain the main idea and at least five supporting details.  Please use complete sentences with proper grammar and spelling (do not type like you are texting, use complete words!)  Cite your article using APA citation.  If your summary does not follow this criteria, it will not be published on the blog.

Good Luck!!!!!


  1. This article is about how hurricanes are getting stronger. Hurricanes are getting stronger, because of climate change. Sea-level is getting taller. Ocean temperatures are increasing. The warming climate makes hurricanes stronger. Tropical cyclones have changed. There are rising levels of atmospheric gases that warm up. These are the reasons why hurricanes are expanding.

    Gillis, J. (2011, August 27). Hurricanes and Climate Change. The New York Times. Retrieved from

  2. By Shpigel August 30, 2011



    MARK SANCHEZ is a good quarter back? He was a 56.0 percent passer on the field last season. He also completed 47.8 percent of his passing in red zone. In one he only threw four passes, in none of was longer than 13 yards. There was 102 passing touchdowns. Sanchez wasn’t the one who threw the ball. Of his [33 of 69] throws 4 percent below league average.

  3. Marcus,
    I appreciate your effort in putting your citation in APA format. Great job!

  4. This article is about LeBron James and how he is doing charity work. Just a week ago LeBron James, Chris Paul, and Carmello Anthony did a charity game for homeless shelters to help. Because the NBA got locked out so they had to do pick up games and of course he make half of his point because just last year he came in second for the mvp award next to Derick Rose. He averages 30-40 points per game sometimes less and his team made it to the NBA championships but sadly they lost to the Dallas Mavericks. Then he averaged 20-30 point per game during that event.

    Go to: JockBio: LeBron James August, 21, 2011/July,5,2011

  5. Peyton Manning’s Back Pain

    P. Manning’s teammates don’t want him to play on opening day because of his back pain. During last week Manning’s rehabilitation process slowed. Manning’s doctors don’t want him to practice either. The doctors thought it was from his neck surgery. They could not figure out when his back pain will end. Peyton originally thought it was from his rehabilitation, but apparently it wasn’t. They know what they are going to do because they already picked another quarterback from their team.

    Davis, Nate (2011, September 5). With Back Now Flaring Up, Colts say Manning Doubtful for Opener. USA Today. Retrieved from

  6. Thank you guys for posting your current events projects on the blog! Everyone seems to have sports fever. Robert, great job with your citation.

  7. A Day That Stands Alone

    The article I choose to write about is A DAY THAT’S STANDS ALONE IN HISTERY . This article is about September 11, 2001,the day the World Trade Center went down. On that one day 2,749 people died and a lot of people where hurt. The first tower to go down was the north tower, it was hit by American Airline fight 11. And the other tower went down by American Airline flight 175. This whole thing was because of a terrorist attack on the United States by Osama Bin Laden.

    McFADDEN, Robert D. "A Day That Stands Alone." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 11 Sept. 2011. .A Day That Stands Alone

  8. Gabriel Hardy

    Dolnick, S. (2011, AUG. 28) RECOVERY IS SLOWER IN NEW YORK SUBURBS. Retreived from

    New York was well prepared for Hurricane Irene on Sunday, August, 28th , 2011. There were some damages due to the storm, but mostly in the suburbs. The aftermath of the storm could be fely mostly during the early commute. Most of the subways 22 lines were running by 6:00am Monday morning, but there were fallen trees and downed wires in suburban New York and Connecticut. A lot of people commute to New York from the suburbs, New Jersey and Connecticut. In order to get to New York, these commuters would have to take ferries, commuter vans or find instant pool partners. New York, however, was well prepared for the storm. To prepare for Irene, city officials shut down New York’s mass transit network, sandbagging storefronts on Fifth Avenue and issuing evacuation orders for 370,000 people across the city. What Irene will be known for is what is did not do in New York: Windows in skyscrapers did not shatter. Subway tunnels did not flood. Power was not shut off pre-emeptively. The water grid did not burst. There were no reported fatalities in the five burroughs. And the rives flanking Manhattan did not overrun their banks. This was great considering that this storm was the largest to hit New York in more than 25 years. “ Before striking New York, the storm left a path of destruction that killed at least 16 people in the six states, and delayed transportation across the Northeast and caused flooding in several states.

  9. Hurricane Irene was a disaster in every city and state near the Atlantic Ocean. Several homes were destroyed and lives were lost. It became a category 4 hurricane with winds that blew from 131 to 155mph. It traveled to Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. This was the biggest threat to hit the U.S. since 2008. The months of August and September are considered the height of the hurricane season. The Federal Emergency Management Agency wants U.S. residents to take the storm warnings seriously. To prevent lives from being lost in the future, Americans who live near the oceans need to have hurricane emergency kits in their homes.

    Walter, Frank, (August 23, 2011). "Hurricane Irene Marks 1st Big US Threat in Years."
    Retrieved from

  10. Allied Forces Withdraw In Afghanistan
    summary by Alex Saigh

    Allied forces have been constantly withdrawing in Afghanistan. In a French base in Afghanistan, several Afghan soldier put on French uniforms and opened fire on French soldiers. There have been lots of these occurrences because they want to chase them out of the country faster. Even though the Taliban government is long gone, there are still lots of Allied troops. 3,900 French, 5,000 Germans, and 9,500 British are in Afghanistan. Each Allied force is withdrawing about 1,200 troops each year. Forces will be finished withdrawing by about 2014-2015.

    Erlanger, S. and Rubin, A. (2012, January 21). French Weigh Afghan Exit After Killings. The New York Times, p. A4.

    No.5 Missouri helds on to a 1 point led at no.3 Baylor.Missouri went to baylor with a record of (17-1,4-1 at big 12).Baylor had almost the same record with (17-2,4-2 at big 12).Missouri had a 10 point led with 3:07 left. they didnt score asingle point intill Ratiffe hit two free throws with a minute left.MIssouri kept geting fouled and made 10 of 12 freee throws. With 4 seconds left Baylor's Brady heslip made a three a made it 89-88.jackson with Baylor threw up the ball andhoped to get fouled at the same time but the went up in Brady heslip hand with nobody aroud.That was game Missouri beat no.3 baylor 89-88.

    BY the Associated Press(2012, January 21).Missouri holds to win at Baylor.New York times.Retieved from
