Friday, May 4, 2012

American Revolution


American Revolutionary War

Directions: Answer each of the following questions.  Be sure to support your answer with details from the text.  

1.) Do you think the Colonists were justified in their actions of throwing all the tea into the Boston Harbor? Why or why not?  

2.) George vs. George: Whose side are you on?  At the start of the Revolutionary War the colonists were in a tough position.  They had to choose whether they wanted to support their mother country, England, or if they wanted to support the newly founded Continental Army in an effort for the colonies to gain independence from England.  Pretend you are a colonist in 1775, you must pick a side.  What side would you choose to be on and why? 

DIC Entertainment Company. (Producer). (2002-2003). Liberty's kids [Television series]. Public   Broadcasting Company.

Schanzer, R. (2004). George vs. george: The american revolution as seen from both sides. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society. 


  1. 1.) No cause when they did that they cause more trouble. If they would have left it right there it wouldn’t mean anything. Now since the Boston tea party I lot of bad things start starting in Boston. That was also a crime good things they was dress like Indians and not as there self.
    2.) I’m on the colonist side. They did help England to gain control of the new country. England is being unfair the colonies are poor to, much less than England. Now they have to pay all these unfair taxes. Nobody got time for that, first they tax everyday stuff than there prime and butter tea. That really mad the colonies mad, then they brought British soldiers in (Boston) and they just mess with the people. Leave them alone. Like I was saying I would like to be on the colonies side.

    1. Dennitria_DodsonMay 7, 2012 at 9:35 AM

      I think what you are saying makes sense Torez because you make alot of good points why your on the conolist side.

    2. You are so right Dennitria. Torez is always on a bad side of a discussion

  2. Dennitria_DodsonMay 7, 2012 at 9:28 AM

    1. Yes, the colonists were justified to destroy all the tea because the Great Britain king gorge took all their rights and taxed their tea. King gorge shouldn’t tax for his own selfish reasons is what the colonist is trying to tell king gorge. There saying they don’t want to be ruled and taxed by king gorge, they want to be their own colony. That is why they are not buying anything from Britain and making their own stuff. Besides Britain can’t force the tea one the land so I think they had the right to throw all that tea over broad into the sea. They are showing Britain and king gorge whose boss of them, they are, not king gorge.
    2. I would be on the Bastian’s side because the Britain is treating them like dogs. The British think they can just come in and try to run us. Who do they think they are? I want to help them get their rights back. I want to help them to be free from king gorge‘s hands. They shouldn’t be treated like this. I am taking a stand!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I agree with you that King George was taking away their rights. I also like that you backed up your justification with facts from the text. For instance, you brought up the fact that if the tea would have hit the land they would of had to pay for it, and that is why they decided to throw it in the harbor. Good post!

    2. Write on power to the people

    3. Thank you ms.mitchell. nicely done

  3. 1.They were justified because nobody was buying their tea. Also the red coats closed down the Boston Harbor so nothing can get in and nothing can get out.
    2.The side I would be on is the Continental Amy because I will gain my independence from England. Also I would not have to pay England taxes no more.

    1. nice jod love it

    2. You are right, the Colonists had no desire to buy the tea from Britain even though they were trying to force it on the land. The British Army actually closed down the Boston Harbor after the Colonists threw the tea over board. Can you elaborate on why else you think they were justified?

  4. terrence williamsMay 7, 2012 at 9:29 AM

    1. Yes I think the colonists were justified in their actions during the Boston tea party. Why? Because they were forcing the people to drink the tea. Then they would shoot bombs at the people.
    2. If I was a colonist, I would be on the side with John Hancock. Why I would be on his side because his side use their brain and their knowledge

  5. I think that they were justified because the colonist just wonted taxed free tea but the British made the price lower but the tea steal hade a tax on it.

    I would choose the colonist side because I won’t to fight for my freedom from England. I would help the continental army for my freedom.

    1. grilllllllllll love it good job

  6. I think that they were justified because they had the right to throw the tea into the Boston harbor because they made them pay more money and taxes and they took there money away.

  7. Yes because the colonist don’t want the harbor to be closed.
    I would be in both George’s side because they have a decision. If I was a colonist I would want both George’s to support their mother country England.

    1. where is the other part

    2. were is question number 2

  8. Question 1:
    Yes, they are justified because the Government was taxing (the colony) Bostien on everything. What they did at the Boston Tea Party was right. The Government can’t charge (the colony) Bostien for stuff they really need. Even if the Government does not tax stuff, it is too late to do that.
    Question 2:
    I would be on George Washington’s side. He didn’t leads the Boston Tea Party, Sam Adams did. But Sam Adams, George Washington, and the people had a right of their thirteen colonies to do whatever it takes to get rid of taxes. Yes, they committed a crime. But the crime was worth being done. Well, that is what I think.

    1. Sara, I think you are right because they really should not have taxed them for the things they really need.

    2. Sara i could not agree with you more because you stated some exellent details but you should have included more about why you were on his side.


  9. 1.) I think the Colonists were justified in their actions of throwing all the into the Boston Harbor because like Sarah said that you should always be loyal to your king and because if you have comitted a crime you will get burned with a symbol on yourself and it will stay on your body for the rest of your life.

    2.) I would be on colonist’s side because even though Britain may have bigger guns than us but we have a brain that we can use to defeat them also because I heard that the pen is mightier than the sword and cause I will want to stand up to that king Gorge and fight for my rights.

    1. yea ashley we have the brains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. use them stragies

    3. That is right, we outsmarted the much more powerful British army by using our brains and strategizing. Also, colonists were able to spread the word to others by making use of printing presses - therefore the pen is mightier than the sword!

  10. 1) Yes, I think the colonists were justified because King George was being unfair. He was being unfair because he made the poor colonists pay double taxes(that are really high) to a rich
    country!!! When he stopped taxes he didn’t stop them completely. He left a tiny tax of 7cents. After a while that adds up to a lot of money! In a month if you drank tea once a day and had 2 kids and another adult and you, you would pay about $8.00! That means in a year it would be $96.00!!!!!!!!!!! The king also was forcing the tea onto land. The people were right for spilling the tea.
    2) I would be on America’s side because it is my land that I grew up in. Also we are poor and the
    King is not supporting us when he is rich; we are also paying for tea to a rich country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. how do you know how much they tax

    2. And so was born the legend of Robin Hood....
      I love the fact that you did the math for the year. Also, consider how much colonists actually made in a year during 1775?

  11. I Think, yes because in the they said that they were going to lift all the taxes . but they had to put little taxes on the tea .i don’t get it how could they lift the taxes and still put little taxes on tea .

    IF I was a colonists I would choose the colonists side because they don’t have that much help to go against the red coats so that we can have our freedom so that we can do what we want to do and stay out as long as we want to stay out we can play outside as long as we want.

    1. You are so right Miracle, King George did repeal the Stamp and Sugar acts and said that they would no longer be taxed, yet they still taxed teh tea. They didn't care that it was a little bit, it was the principle of the matter.

  12. Kamille Briley-ChildsMay 9, 2012 at 8:12 PM

    Kamille Briley-Childs
    May, 4 2012
    Room 203/5th grade
    Social Studies
    American Revolution
    1. Yes, I think the Colonists were justified in their actions of throwing all the tea into the Boston Harbor, because the taxes were only for the king’s special needs and it wasn’t fair so they decided to take action to show Britain that they deserve to have rights.
    2. I choose to be on the Colonists side, because so far what I’ve heard about their actions toward parliament it shows that their not afraid to take a stand.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Kamille I like the way your the only one who put an heading on your blog post

  13. I think yes because, they deserve to do what they did to the red coats. King George isn’t right to the colonist. If I were them I would have did the same thing.
    I would be on the Americans side because what King George is doing isn’t right. I want to help get freedom for everyone so I’m going to be on the Americans side and take a stand.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Ryshaad Beuford

    1. I think they was justified because they want them to pay tax.
    2.I would be on George Washington side because if you was on King George side you will let them eat all your food and you will always have to pay tax.

  16. 1.]Yes I think the colonist was justified to do that because they cannot just run us like that. They were indeed justified because they can’t push us around. We took a stand , and we was smart enough to get through!!!!2.]I want to be on colinist side because they are not afraid to take a stand.

  17. The colonist where justified about the Boston tea party cause most of the colonist where mad cause of the British taxes funds on Americans so colonist dressed as native Americans and throw ever tea crate down in the ocean and which stated the Boston tea party

    George vs. George

    I would join the rebels cause most them where smarter the then the red coats cause they though ahead of time the colonist where in the hard time cause they had to pay taxes and make they own stuff cause the British closed the Boston harbor

  18. 1. The colonists did the right thing destroying all the tea because King George keeps taxing them everyday like their rich or something. I also agree because King George is really insolent and violent doing all these things to people
    2. I am really on the colonist side because some people might’ve been poor during those years and they cannot just send us taxes everday and its not fair because people work everyday and then its not fair they have to give all their money to King George.

  19. Yes I think the colonists did the right thing because nobody tells us what to do. We own our land not anybody just because there richer. WE TAKE THE STAND”.
    I would be on the Britain side because England’s is attacking us because my side took all the tea and through the tea into the harbor so we can get even with them once and for all. This my side and this is why.

  20. Well Ms. Mitchell's 5th grade, we all know Ms. Finley is slightly crazy (LOL) so I would definitely be dumping that tea!!! I am 100% against the abuse of power and over taxation is not cool!!!! What if the government taxed something super important that we need everyday (like toliet paper) only the wealthiest would be able to afford it!!!! I really think this was a way for King George to keep the colonies from growing and being a threat to England. This reminds me alot of what is happening today. Instead of a ruler, we have big companies overcharging for products and serivces. You guys hear your parents complain about gas prices? hhhmmmmm......connection maybe?

    1. we do need toliet paper now and days

    2. Oh yes Ms. Finley - what is that, big businesses control our government? :)Great point about the toilet paper. King George put additional taxes on things the colonists truly cherised like stamps to write home and tea. Thank you for posting on our blog!

  21. I think the coniest had a right to throw the tea off board because they dont have a say i anything and they are taxing them alot. I would be on the coinest side because king george think that he can just come and rule everyone and i am not going to let that happen.

  22. ms.finley toilet paper really not to minchen you are crazy that was about 200 years ago and plus you are my number one fan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. 1. Yes they have the right to throw the tea. They maybe did that so they can get
    Revenge and fight back that why I think they had right to throw the tea

    2. The side I would be on is George not king George but the other one because
    Ill will like to be the better person than the king I want to stop slavery and want to let people have fun with their family and get treated like the other people that were cared will.

  24. i would be on the colonist side because the britain might have bigger guns. But the colonist have good brains we can use to defeat them.

  25. I miss. 5th grade

  26. hi ms. Mitchell i miss you so much thank you for every thing you have done for me. i miss you bye bye (:
