Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA, is a proposed bill aimed at cracking down on copyright infringement. However many websites are urging Congress to oppose the bill. Many sites such as YouTube and Google would be affected by the proposed shutting down.
List two pro's and two con's for the passing of SOPA.
Do you agree or disagree with the Stop Online Piracy Act? Take a position and defend it! Justify your position with information from the article:
"SOPA explained: What it is and Why it Matters", by Julianne Pepitone
Pepitone, J. (2012, January 18). Sopa explained: what it is and why it matters. CNN Money Tech. Retrieved from
List two pro's and two con's for the passing of SOPA.
Do you agree or disagree with the Stop Online Piracy Act? Take a position and defend it! Justify your position with information from the article:
"SOPA explained: What it is and Why it Matters", by Julianne Pepitone
Pepitone, J. (2012, January 18). Sopa explained: what it is and why it matters. CNN Money Tech. Retrieved from